Leaves look green, red, orange, and yellow; 烏雲伴彩虹;
Dark clouds accompany the rainbow; 金谷銀霧散;
In the golden valley, the silver mist fades away; 碧灣映藍空。
The blue sky is reflected in the greenish bay.
Some use the bridge, some don't; 有好此橋有不好。
Some like the bridge, some don't. 也看一塔高另塔;
Some see one tower taller than the other;
Some think the heights equal each other.
Some consider they see an image,
Neither towers nor a bridge.
In the story of beauty, talent, power, magic, and wits, 長恨到何時?
How long will the sorrow last? 空海猶增慧,
Monk Kukai (or the vast sea) still grows in wisdom. 樂天續作詩。
Poet Letian (or the content one) goes on writing poems.
Red leaves fill blueberry fields. 奇雪彩色冰。
Snow forms amazing shapes; ice reflects many colors. 鷹熊享鮭鹿,
Eagles and bears enjoy salmon and deer. 極光顧眾星。
Northern lights, being considerate, do not diminish stars.
* Puns in Chinese: (願)英雄享歸路。 (May) heroes, e.g., salmon and retirees, enjoy their return. * May Light take care of everyone. May the more powerful be considerate of the less powerful (though stars are brighter and larger than northern lights from other perspectives). * 紅加藍呈紫色。Red and blue make purple. * 江醫師的攝影 Dr. Kiang's photography:
Dr. Sung is romantic: 愛妻好樂詩。
He loves his wife, loves music, and loves poetry. 博學善攝影,
He is a resourceful learner and insightful photographer. 外語廣新知。
He acquires foreign languages and expands knowledge.
Tilting the paper to control flows of colors, 色層又色層。
The artist applied colors one by one. 好奇觀客問:
A curious spectator asked, 何以判完成?
"How do you determine whether it's done?"
Colorful when seen distantly, 近觀多刺針。
Spiky when viewed closely, 滿園形奇趣,
The garden is full of interesting shapes. 來客樂寫真。
Visitors enjoy taking pictures.
What makes morning movements smooth? 怎能靠肛門?
Why count on the anus? 日行水蔬果,
Sunlight, walking, water, veggies, fruits, 足睡舒暢晨。
And enough sleep smooth morning movements.
開落花循環, Blooming and falling petals follow a cycle. 塵緣順自然。 Times with others follow Nature. 同遊親與子, For parents and children who have visited parks together, 回憶有歡顏。 There are smiles in their memories.
父子到公園, The father and his sons went to parks 開心一起玩。 And had much fun together. 時光成記憶, Fun moments have become fond memories; 轉瞬已多年。 All of a sudden, many years have passed.
Walked uphill on a muddy trail; 斜傘雨滴聲。
Listened to raindrops patter on the tilted umbrella. 瞇眼雲開日,
Squinted against sunlight shown by clouds; 轉頭虹跨城。
Turned and saw the rainbow spanning the city.
相片眼之窗, Photos are windows
for our eyes, 讓人越時光。 Enabling us to travel
through times. 怎能見全貌, Yet how can we see everything 難免限於框? If the windows are
limited by frames?
雙眼心之窗, Our eyes are windows
for our minds, 讓人看多方。 Enabling us to see in
many ways. 怎能見全面, Yet how can we see
everything 如果窗在牆? If the windows are located
in walls?
熱情野火雞, A passionate wild
turkey 生命到何期? Can live a little
longer maybe? 人類歡聚日, When humans are
together and drunk, 肉雞斷捨離。 Poultry are parted
and broken.
再度偉大中, As the nation is
being great again, 度過山幾重。 I drove past several
mountains, 風裡聽波浪, Listened to waves in
the wind, 雨中見彩虹。 And saw a rainbow in
the rain.
* 這天是Donald Trump美國總統就職日。Trump的口號是"Make America Great Again!" 天高華府遠。這天小民YM在路上, 感受了強風、陣雨、青山、草原、彎路、陡坡、陽光、彩虹、海岸、浪濤、封路、飆速、箴言等等。國家總會再度風雨,也許會更加偉大。天佑世界。