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Friday, July 7, 2017

讀《唐國鬼宴》 Reading “Tou no Kuni nite Oni to Utagesu”

In the story of beauty, talent, power, magic, and wits,
How long will the sorrow last?
Monk Kukai (or the vast sea) still grows in wisdom.
Poet Letian (or the content one) goes on writing poems.

* 唐國鬼宴
* 長恨歌長恨歌 白樂天的"長恨歌": "此恨綿綿無絕期." 蘇東坡的"水調歌頭": "不應有恨."
* 空海
* 白樂天
* 雖然東大寺和這小說的故事沒有直接關聯, 東大寺收藏唐玄宗和楊貴妃所贈琵琶. Although Todai-ji is not directly related to the story of the novel, Todai-ji keeps a pipa (or lute) given by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and Yang Guifei.