開落花循環, Blooming and falling petals follow a cycle. 塵緣順自然。 Times with others follow Nature. 同遊親與子, For parents and children who have visited parks together, 回憶有歡顏。 There are smiles in their memories.
父子到公園, The father and his sons went to parks 開心一起玩。 And had much fun together. 時光成記憶, Fun moments have become fond memories; 轉瞬已多年。 All of a sudden, many years have passed.
Walked uphill on a muddy trail; 斜傘雨滴聲。
Listened to raindrops patter on the tilted umbrella. 瞇眼雲開日,
Squinted against sunlight shown by clouds; 轉頭虹跨城。
Turned and saw the rainbow spanning the city.
相片眼之窗, Photos are windows
for our eyes, 讓人越時光。 Enabling us to travel
through times. 怎能見全貌, Yet how can we see everything 難免限於框? If the windows are
limited by frames?
雙眼心之窗, Our eyes are windows
for our minds, 讓人看多方。 Enabling us to see in
many ways. 怎能見全面, Yet how can we see
everything 如果窗在牆? If the windows are located
in walls?
熱情野火雞, A passionate wild
turkey 生命到何期? Can live a little
longer maybe? 人類歡聚日, When humans are
together and drunk, 肉雞斷捨離。 Poultry are parted
and broken.